Recap of August:
*The month started out with the girls visiting Nanna & Grandpa Rink in West Va. They worked with Nanna @ her quilt shop Acorns & Oaks
*Next, there was Shakespeare camp for the girls at Covenant Life. The middle schoolers learned and performed The Tempest. The high schoolers learned and performed Romeo & Juliet. Both girls had small parts in each of the shows. Great performances at the end of the week.
Emily playing a boy
Rachel with friends afterwards.
*And then... Fair Week ~ One of our favorite weeks of the year!!
waiting for the parade to start
w/ dear friends, Susan and Char after the parade.
PC: Ron Moore
Em had another first place cake this year that was sold in the cake auction.
It was bought by my parents and my dad's 2 brothers, Uncle Johnny & Uncle Billy. :) All the money goes to 4H.
Emily with Great Gommie at the cake auction (the original baker of the famed cake)
Rachel and Char at the Cheese Booth on PetsRUs day. Rachel worked several other days and loved it here.
The girls takin' a lunch break - grilled cheese & nachos!
the pet show - Rachel and Em took the cats
Caiti and Chris
waiting to show their dogs
Sarah with her pet rock and the girls with Josie and Claire
That was great, Jen. Enjoyed the month in photos.
no way! I was just about to give up on this blog....
can't wait to hear how your Christmas was - next August.
i'm in two pics =D the fair was fun
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