Friday, November 21, 2008

Trying to be more faithful with posting on the blog. Thanks for the few of you that still check it regularly. I'm touched that you continue to return, even tho' it's the same page, month after month! I'll work on that.

I feel like I need to have a recap of the summer and fall before I can jump into regular posts. So I'll take the next few posts to recap. My last real post as in June when we went to Tennessee with the Kitterman gang. Fun times!

Only 2 other events in June ‘08 to show you. Brian’s company picnic and the H10’s visit. First, the LMI picnic. It was held at Smokey Glen in Germantown. Tons of yummy food, face painting, a mini-carnival, contests, music, games and HEAT! It was a sweltering day!! Each of the girls invited a friend. Rach asked Libby and Em asked Rachel N, two friends the girls don’t get much time with… so it was a treat! And keeping with tradition, Mark and my parents were invited, too.

Rachel and Libbster with their snake tattoos

Brian, Tony and Andy


Em on the waterslide

Rachel's turn

This little girl was actually falling asleep while getting her face painted. I don't know who she is but I couldn't resist, it was so cute.

OK, this poor girl, she had a layer of cotton candy all over her even on the hairs on her arms! She was so sweet, giving out free cotton candy to lines of people.

Rachel and Libby got caricatures drawn.

Rachel driving the racecars

Uncle Mark takes his turn. Do you think he beat the little girl next to him? :)

Rachel shocked me by wanting to get on this bungy thing. I was truely surprised ~ it was great!

She even did flips!

But she was exhausted when she was done.

Andy, the biggest kids at the picnic, came in second in the hoola contect. So close, Andy!

Rachel totally won the limbo contest by a long shot. That kid is so flexible! :)

This was her prize - this crazy hat.

Emily won the bubble blowing contest. This wasn't her winning bubble (i missed it!) but rather her end of the day "I'm tired" zoning bubble. Love her blue eyes!

The winner with their prize hats!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second June event captured in photos was a visit from Danielle and the kids. They were here for 6 days and we had an exciting time with them. The weather was great and we made lotsa fun memories together. :)
running down the hill.

along the way we found a turtle...

a few of the kids had a turn holding it

the kitty door was quite popular

swinging in the backyard

shucking corn-on-the-cob together

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